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Mississauga, ON, Canada

Symcor is one of Canada's largest providers of business and payment processing services. Symcor supports multiple industry verticals including financial services, insurance, retail and telecommunications. At Symcor, helping our clients through their digital transformation is at the core of everything we do. Symcor has the Business-to-Industry (B2I) intelligence and expertise to accelerate change and the track record to execute it. Symcor is one of Canada's largest providers of business processing and payment services. Symcor supports multiple verticals, including financial services, insurance, retail and telecommunications. Symcor attaches paramount importance to helping its clients with their digital transformation. Symcor has operational intelligence and Business-to-Industry (B2I) expertise to accelerate and track change. At Symcor, our priority is to help our clients achieve their digital transformation. Symcor has the business-industry intelligence and expertise to accelerate change and the experience for implementation.

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